Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Another Hot One Ahead

Just like the peak of summer- another 90 degree day. A good day for a bike trip as the card above shows. This card uses Artstic Outpost rubber stamps, and although simple in the card catagory, its a great card for the biking guy or gal in your life. Check out their stamps at: http://www.artisticoutpost.com/
A good day for summer blooms and bees buzzing about the photos below.
A good day for the beach- which Katie is doing, and not so good a day to sit in a hot classroom which I have to do. (But I'm taking a day tomorrow for the dentist and to get my house ready for mom's visit this weekend)
Lets hope the weather stays sunny for Saturday's graduation but not so hot I hope- they are saying it'll be in the 70's which would be perfect.
By the way, did you see the new summer Hero Arts stamps. Some real cute ones I think, oh which to pre-order? (And no, I don't need them all...but there's this one with a smiling egg in a frying pan and there's a fun background with lots of buildings...a few others too!)

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