Wednesday, May 26, 2010

90 degrees again they say

Its going to be another hot one today...and with everything so much further ahead than usual for late May (lilacs have come and gone and they should be blooming just about now) it really feels like July and summer vacation.  Although its almost Memorial Day weekend it isn't here yet! Seems more liek the 4th of July. I took these garden photos the other day and the lupines are in full bloom my lupines, as are all my bearded iris.
Here's a whimsical and silly card I made last week (this week so far its been too hot when I get home from work to go into my studio, plus I'm beat from the heat and unmotivated kids...yesterday at work they made us close the windows to put on the ac but it didn't cool down until the end of the day). It cools down up in my corner by evening but then I'm dragging...still. I've been wanting to draw mroe lately though so last night I took out a little sketch book I bought and made some drawings while watching Star Trek the Next generation (old reruns) on tv, which I must say I really enjoyed. (Both the show and my drawing!)
And here's another summery card- with a beach theme that went off to my Mom back for Mother's Day. This one is so much more feminine and delicate than the house.
Graduation countdown: 4 days!
And my latest read- well I haven't started it but plan on doing that today. Not quite done with Drood, and I'm enjoying it, but its a long book and I need a change of pace because I feel like I'll never finish that book and never get to read anything else. Summer's coming soon and I'll be in serious book mode then.

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