Monday, May 3, 2010

Back to work

And its hot and humid. Right now the winds are a changing, and that should hopefully make it cooler tonight and maybe better sleeping.
I've been dragging all day, tough to wake up at 4:45 a.m. again and Harley was about at 3 in the morning, so when I fell back to sleep it was close to waking up. Groggy hasn't totally seemed to go away- YET!
And I'm starving-came home and put on my shorts and a t shirt and made myself a big bowl of popcorn- yummy.
And here's cruise photos from yesterday. We put in at Alton Bay, went over to Wolfeboro and had frappes for lunch and then came back. Was overcast and hazy so the mountain shots aren't the most goregous, but got to love New Hampshire.

Dave at the Wolfeboro Docks.

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