Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Ready for another vacation

Not that work is bad, there's just so much I want to do here at home. Like studio time!!!!!!!!!!! Seems like there none lately. And I realized as I went into my 10 year still unfinished addition- the bedroom that I can stand in but will never sleep in because its just so far no finished and is now a giant storage space, that I need to clean out there and put Christmas decoration boxes from there into the attic- which will be Saturdays project I'm sure. Ugh. Not looking forward to that but I need to find my bag of spring/summer work clothes which I can't easily find as its pretty buried under boxes and bags.
So here's a photo of the chocolate bread (http://www.davidlebovitz.com/archives/2010/04/chocolate_bread_recipe.html#more) I made Saturday. Yummy!!!! 

And the sea salt browned butter cookies I made last week-yummy too!!!!!!!! (http://maplesugarlyrics.blogspot.com/2009/07/brown-butter-cookies.html) This recipe I borrowed from the maplesugarlyrics blog.
Definately would like to be home to have more cooking time too!
And here's the book I am going to start since I finished book 9 Sookie Stackhouse last night- I pre-ordered the new one from Amazon and it should be here any day now, but I'm not sure I want to rush to read it as then there is no more in the series to read until maybe next year another one gets published. (Kind of like waiting 2 years for the next Harry Potter afetr reading book 6). Definately been in a reading mood lately.
Plus I have some metal clay to fire, some jewelry to put up on Etsy, some projects to send out in hopes of publication, some more studio cleaning...
Thanks goodness sumemr break isn't too too far down the road- I'm already filling out my summer dance card- or should I say summer project/chore list.

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