Thursday, May 20, 2010

Busy Day Ahead

Its going to be beautiful but I have a busy day ahead- in fact a lot of busy days ahead. Today is bookclub in the evening. Tomorrow is Katie's senior banquet. Saturday is my intern's graduation party in the evening. Sunday Katie has another school graduation event. Kate found out last night she won a state wide scholarship from the NH Society Of Civil Engineers and next Thursday she gets to go to the award ceremony to get it. I think we get to go too-and I hope as its at the Bedford Inn and I've always wanted to eat there. I'm guessing I'll find out today if we get to go- and I hope we do even if we don't get to eat just to see her accept her award. She is thrilled and so are we!
Today's card is made with a B Line background stamp. Then I used one of my new Hero Arts stamps which I stamped 3 times and then cut out the center parts. I stamped in brown but highlighted in the pink, and then I free hand doodled the card edge in pink. Think its quite elegrant.

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