Saturday, May 22, 2010

Slightly Different Viewpoints

I bought this peacock stamp a couple of weeks ago from Cornish Heritage Farms and I love it. Its kind of tough for me to work with because its not usual style- I'm more an individual stamper rather than a whole design- and the background I chose tend to be more basic and plain, but this is soooo pretty. I made the top card first and went for a partial peacock background.  The bottom one is a slightly different set up, more peacocks obviously as you can see. The word frames are from a Prima clear set I bought a couple of months ago too. I think both of these cards came out really well and are very different than my usual style.
So last night we had Katie's senior banquet which was really nice. We ate in the gym of her school which was all decorated and they had lots of round tables with tableclothes and vases out. Buffet dinner- either roast beef, chicken or pasta. Then we went into the auditorium to see their senior movie and have a few other items brought up. I'm glad parents could go as it was really nice to be a part of it and to feel like you're going to graduate too.
And that's only 1 week away.
I will say the "Oh my baby is growing up" symdrome hit me last night. She was just a little girl getting ready for kindergarten. Oh my.
Today I want to organize my screen porch and relax a bit. Tonight my intern is having her graduation party as UNH graduates today and she's getting her masters. I'll stop by for a while as I won't know anyone but then I'm going to go to Lowe's or Home Depot and see if I can find any annuals to put into my deck pots.
Love Saturdays- got a great walk this morning too.

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