Thursday, May 27, 2010

Cooler- hopefully

This is a fun card I made using stamps from the baseball sheet by Artistic Outpost-
And this card uses Judi-kins (the tree) and B-Line (the truck). Both of these cards have a masculine theme.
They're saying cooling- in the 70's instead of near 100 like it was yesterday. But when the wind kicked in last night-oh it felt great. And it looks like Saturday will be good!!!!! That's great since we're still in graduation countdown mode, and tonight we have a scholarship the Bedford Inn. Can't wait just to eat there since its one of those places I always wanted to go to.
I will say I got my spare room/studio cleaned up yesterday so my mom can sleep in there tomorrow...just need to vac I can find things in there- its surprising how quickly an art space can get to be so messy when you're busy...and I managed while cleaning to make a few more cards. I love when I'm feeling so creative and I can actually be creative.

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