Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Sew cool!

So here's a couple more of Sunday's cards- these have a sewing theme. The top card is a new Hero Arts stamp and the bottom one is a combo of Hero Arts, Cornish Heritage Farms and also Studio 490.  Fun! I love doing the homespun and old fashioned style...farmy, homey...country girlish...I'm not exactly a chic kind of person and I love the country...
So today Katie put her UNH sticker on her car...and she took her last AP test (AP Chem, good for her), and had her gold scholar luncheon at school. Its really starting to be countdown to graduation mode for her right now. Graduation is the 29th of the month. And me, I have almost another month of school after that. Feels like I should be getting out now...I have as much motivation as the kids, and that's pretty sad. I will make it through however, just seems like for a year with so few snowdays-only 2- we get out awfully late. I know its the fact that Labor day was so late last year and the fact we teacher's have to go 2 days after the kids...I can see how productive that's going to be. Maybe June won't be so fantastic weatherwise and I won't be inside wishing I was on vacation. And Labor day isn't that much earlier so it'll still be a long summer...
Knowing summer is coming (at some point) and graduation is looming makes this a very exciting time of year.

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