Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Enjoying a little quiet

Right now I am home alone after a busy day at work...(well alone except for Leo and Harley my feline and canine boys...&and they're not being demanding right now, for a switch.)..I must say it is so nice to have the house to myself, no tv going, no fighting for computer time...its kind of gray and a nap is sounding fantastic...or maybe some studio time which sounds fantastic too...or lets be totally undecided and say that reading my book sounds great too. I keep reminding myself that there will be lots of afternoons like this next year when Kate's off to college- but you know, at this time of day, I'm not feeling the most social or chatty, more like recharge my brain time. And thinking the book is sounding really really good...(of course just now, the phones rings and my soul screams NO! STOP! Don't you know I've put on my sweats and am in recharge mode after a day full of teenagers!) So, no more answering the phone, and  like the theme of this card,  a little peace and quiet and most probably book reading inspire joy in me right now. 

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