Friday, May 14, 2010


I'm beat, but its Friday!!!!!!!!! Had Katie's award ceremony at school last night- my baby got 2 awards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (A NH Scholar and for her astronomy class). I liked how her school didn't hand out too many just the TOP student in each area. She was thrilled to get her astronomy award from one of her Favorite teachers! Not sure how they decide who will be a NH SCholar, but she got a cool medal and a great letter for being an excellent academic student...which she is! And her boyfriend got a great award for his health services program- he was sooo thrilled too.
And for the days bit of art:
So maybe this card needs a gold line or some type of line to border the leaf part, but I like this card a lot. The butterfly really pops. It really feels like your looking at a butterfly on some leaves in the quiet of nature. Do you agree?

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