Friday, June 18, 2010

Addiction roars its head

I'm having a hard time NOT going on internet travel sites right now and trying to find some tickets or a hotel room or something because I WANT so badly right now to plan a trip and go on a trip. I can't stand it I want it so badly right now. Must be because its really warm but not humid and feels like summer. Must be because I keep thinking about our fantastic trip to California and a dip into Oregon last summer. Must be because there's only 1/2 day of school left with the kids and then just our 2 works days, so now its really close. Must be because I'm almost done reading the Lost Girls, which I spent a good chunk of my late afternoon out on the screen porch doing. Muts be my addiction. or one of them anyhow.
Tomorrow my adventure will be putting Dave's boat out on the ocean for the first time. Its suppose to be gorgeous so it will be a great adventure.

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