Friday, June 18, 2010

Exams start today

Its Friday and I'm into the last 1 1/2 days with the kids. Today  and Monday morning...and then I have 2 workd days only 4 more days until I'm on break! I know, you'd think I was one of the kids.
So today, 3 graduation cards made with the same stamp, because its almost time for school to be out for the summer and its been a season of graduations for me-the stamps are one of the  Kim Hughes stamp sets from Cornish Heritage Farms.  The top card is the invite to Katie's off to college/graduation party which we will be having August. I used a background stamp also from CHF and the stars (which didn't come out great on this particular copy) are from a set put out by Fancy Pants.
The second card is for my niece who also graduated from high school. Same CHF Kim Hughes set, and I made the colors to match her school, as I did with the invite to match Katie's high school. And the bottom card is one I made for Katie's boyfriend. I should have done green but I had the background and it matches his style. I should go back and stamp the hats on plain paper and cut them out...if I get a chance....been waiting for his party which I'm not sure when it will be as it got rained out awhile back.

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