Saturday, June 26, 2010

Cornish Heritage Farms

Check out the Creative Blog from Cornish Heritage Farm Stamps yesterday. I came home (from my roadtrip #1 for the summer) and found that the pear tag that I put up on their site  was mentioned as an eyecatcher on their blog. Its so exciting! And while you're checking out their creative blog, check out their stamps...every week (Saturday-Thursday) one of their lines will be on sale for 25% off during their summer fling. Last week was the ATC stamps which I used to make the fun little pear tag. And every week you can post creations on their site using that line of the week.
I'm home for a bit and my life...has been BUSY!!!!! It was a crazy start to summer break, in fact doesn't much feel like summer break yet. Maybe tomorrow I can actually get back into my studio and clean this house which is a major disaster right now! Maybe I can also crash on the couch and read my latest Sookie Stackhouse and relax. MAYBE!
So the last 2 days --I was Off to Mom's at 5:30 a.m. Thursday as she needed some day surgery and then did a mini-roadtrip down to Strubridge,MA to go antiquing etc. Didn't find too much-though Katie did found her Vera Bradley computer case on sale so she was happy-no college computer yet but she bought herself a case for when she gets the computer. I wasn't really up to spending a lot of cash since Yesterday was major roadtrip and major shopping- spent way way too much cash but started by driving from Mom's to IKEA where we got some dorm room items for Katie and a few things here for the house. Then onto Costco where we got some things we needed, then Trader Joe' pantry is now well stocked for a a bit at least and Katie has made a big dent in her dorm room supplies. Was a really fun day out with my daughter, but was a lot of driving. since living up here in NH we don't have any of those stores nearby. Today I think Dave and I are going out in the boat in the afternoon and I need to get Katie and Brian into Water Country down in Portsmouth since its city employee day and we can get in free for the afternoon. The kids will have a blast! but they don't want to hang out with us so since we're down in that area we might as well take a boat trip for a couple of hours. It might cloud in and truthfully I wouldn't mind a low key day at home...but I can go with the flow easy enough.

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