Sunday, June 27, 2010

More Boating Photos

Yesterday Dave and I just went out into Great Bay/Little Bay for a few hours after I got Katie and Brian into Water Country (it was a free day for city employees and since I teach in the city, that makes me a city employee). Dave fished- only caught 2 bouys and lobster traps and I lounged and read my Sookie book (this latest one is kind of dragging story wise so far). It clouded in in the afternoon as you can see below and we pulled the boat out just in time as some light  rain started to come down. The bouy in the bottom is one of the ones Dave snagged.
We met Katie and Brian at a seafood/steak restaurant here in my town for dinner then and I had a bowl of steamers...borrowed this photo from

as I didn't a snap of my bowl but they were soooooooooo yummy. Haven't had steamed clams or steamers in forever.
So this morning Katie is at work and Dave is going to weed wack and I am going to try to pick up my house a bit (there's still bags and boxes from our Friday shopping spree everywhere) and maybe a bit in the studio and think we're going up to Dave's mom's lake house this afternoon to put her little boat in the water...must say, so far my summer is a BLAST!

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