Saturday, June 12, 2010

Saturday and its raining

Too bad, rainy Saturdays seem to be a let down after a week of work. Not that I feel very ambitous, and everyone here is CRANKY!!!! Dave's trying to fix my brakes and its not working very well, he's having a hard time removing the bolts. Plus he can't find some cash this morning...and Katie was cranky and my mother, when I called her, was an absolute bear-she had a comment- usually negative - for everything I said. I should have used the "Sorry I've been crabby" words that came with this cool crab set from Cornish Heritage Farms...saw this  stamp set at my favorite craft store the other day when I was in desperate need of retail therapy since Katie was away at orientation, and I've been looking at it online since it came out a month ago-was glad they had it-I took the last one off the wall. Love the crabs! Feel like this card might need some rope or netting, but I am trying to regain and remain happy since the crabbiness of my family was wearing on me this morning!

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