Friday, June 11, 2010

Sun Tea

Back in the 1970's- or at least I think it was back then, this thing appeared called sun tea. Ok, maybe it was around before that but I remember hearing about it while I was in college. That was my project of the week- if you can call it a project.
Here's a great card I made using an older Debbie Mumm stamp from Stampington I won on eBay.
And now the real sun tea. I found this cool spouted jar at Costco and thought it would be great for 2 things-sun tea or sangria. This week I made the sun tea. Here's the pre-making set up.
The jar just put outside in the morning before I went to work.
And here's my final product- 1 1/2 gallons of wonderful (and low calorie) sun tea. Its amazing how inexpensive it was to make also. I'm excitied to try some herbal teas and some fruity teas later on this summer too (just 6 days of kids left-the countdown is REALLY on now). And of course the sangria too!

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