Saturday, July 24, 2010

Another boating Saturday

It ended up being a great day and we made the right choice going boating today. My friend Dee and her husband Mike joined us, and we had a lot of fun. Though after being out for 6 hours I have some burn where I missed with the sunscreen and Dave's motor is having some over heating problems and needs to be checked, boo hoo there.
Love this photo I took today of this sailboat and the people on the jetty.

Some of the fleet in harbor in Portsmouth.

Small moored boat.

Love this scene of Portsmouth too.

Neat little barn/ out building on the water.

Another view of the jetty, though not quite as cool as the first photo.
So last night I had a great dinner out with my girlfriends...been a great weekend so far. Think tomorrow I am so GAME for a down time, and time to cut out and play with the last of stamp orders from Cornish Heritage Farms...good thing they're getting all picked too easy to justify buying a bunch more with the company going out of business in a couple of weeks. That's too bad too.

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