Friday, July 23, 2010

Assorted Summer Catch-up Photo Friday

Assorted photos of summer moments I haven't shared yet. Above, cool view of the lawn sprinkler going on evening.
Below, sun through the trees one morning on a walk and Harley enjoying his walk.
Painted on the road in Portsmouth near the run off storm drain. Good idea.
A couple of snaps from a trip to a Christmas shop awhile back in Spencer, MA.
Yummy diner waffles for a late breakfast.
And the view from our table of the dessert frig at this diner in Worcester, MA.

Finally, my painted little cabinet which I finished a couple of weeks ago. So yesterday was a nice trip to Mom's, today I am hanging low and going out to dinner with a couple of girlfriends. Just a mellow Friday as another week winds down.

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