Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Camper is Home

So I'm home from a 2 day camping trip to Crawford Notch, NH, up in the white mountains. We had a blast- soaking in the Saco River, sitting around the campfire and hiking in the mountains. AND lots of girl chat too! Of course it POURED last night all night, so hard I wondered if we'd wash away in the tent, but we stayed dry which was good. We also had some raccoons that invaded out campsite both nights, just messy and loud Monday night but last night man, then were right at the tent, and that is a story in itself. My tentmate Dee ended up grabbing one by the nose through the tent wall and us 2 screaming...she is now the Raccoon Warrior. No bears there that we saw thought they say there's amama and 3 cubs in the campground, but I came home to find my birdfeeder missing and my feeder pole bend into a 90 degree angle (though Dave straightened it out) by my own bear, so I can't say I missed seeing them camping.
At the campsite Monday evening- we ate SOOO well-
chicken kabobs and corn on the cob, fresh fruit salad, blueberry cake, hot dogs on sticks and of course s'mores.
Don't know who these folks are at the simming hole, but they were there on Monday. It was pretty quiet when we went down yesterday.
Our hiking yesterday, this waterfall was great. This is the highest single fall in the state of New Hampshire. A nice little workout too hiking up there. Love a hike with a worthwhile spot to end at.
So tomorrow I need to set up the tent and hose off the mud from the RAIN and then dry and repack it- the mud this morning was thick. Tomorrow I have some artistic photos to show you too.
Next year we're planning another trip.

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