Monday, July 12, 2010

Off Camping

Looks like it will be a beautiful couple of days to stay nestled in a tent and to spend time outdoors. I am excited, but also nervous. Not sure why the nerves, I know everyone going, but could be I don't have my own car, could be I'm going to be on a schedule, could be I realized I once again won't make it to the Brimfield Antiques Fair which I was planning on going to to this week-oh well, that's really ok-my own fault, I suggested we camp this particular week. Maybe I'm afraid I'll forget something-ok, I can go to a store ew won't be that far out in the boonies. Maybe I'm afraid of how much time I'll have not being home in my house with all the chores and the cleanings and of course, studio time. Just go with the flow. I will miss my family- but its only 2 days I've been off without them for 2 days before. I will be home Wednesday. Early Wednesday too, that was our point of going now. Anyhow, its all about the wild and the quiet and getting away from life for a few days, and maybe giving just a bit of space at home so we'll all appreciate each other more. I am excited too, just to do all that for a couple of days and have some girl bonding time too.
See you Wednesday!

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