Thursday, July 1, 2010

Feels like October

BRRRRRRRRRR....CHILLY...its like 70 degrees and cool today. Not July 1, can't be...though my calendar says it is. And when the sun goes behind clouds....I don't even have a window open here on the first floor.
Here's some of the cool tags I made yesterday. I love the roses and I love the background stamp on that tag- it by Cornish Heritage Farms.
So Katie and I went out early today. We went and saw a 9:30 a.m. showing of Eclipse...was good...very much like the book, but I thought the book dragged a bit. Think I'm going to go crawl under the covers of my bed and try to read a big chunk of book 4, which I still haven't read. The movie does motivate me to see how this series ends. I say Jacob. Anyhow, we had lunch at  a Katie restaurant- IHOP, and I had berry lemon pancakes...yum...then we ran a few errands. Now I'm in the down time least for awhile...anyhow, we got to the theatre before it opened and there were already people waiting to go in...I've never been to a movie that early in the day.

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