Friday, July 2, 2010

Summer is Back

After a chilly day yesterday, summer has returned! Yahoo! Just in time for the long July 4th Weekend. Yahoo!  Not sure what's up this weekend...but hope my hubby's in a better mood than he's been for the last 2 days. Not sure what's up with him...he's not talking about it.
Just sharing a few more of my tags with you today. This day has flown, been working on finishing my little storage unit, have photos to show you but am waiting for it to be ALL finished. Cleaned too. Made pizza dough, maybe do pizza on the grill for supper. Talked on the phone to a few people...haven't done anything major but still, time has flown. Katie went dorm shopping with the girl she wants to room with next year and came home with a bunch of stuff. That will be one project that will get done early.
I'm sure I'll post at some point this weekend...but wishing you all a great holiday just in case I don't.

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