Thursday, July 29, 2010

I am NOT

Yes, a list. I love a good list. Saw this on Collage Contessa's blog
 while I was purusing blogs and knew I had to list 10 things I am not.
1- Tall- I am only 60 3/4 inches or just a tad over 5 feet tall (not even 5 feet 1).
2- As laid back as I sometimes come off. I have learned how to control the type 1 side of my personality, and even my nerves, and I don't like to show my weaknesses. I can be a BIG chicken if my nerves get to me.
3-A good singer. I have NO voice for song.
4-A night owl usually. But if I get passed my sleepy hour...its another story. And when I don't need to get up early like during the school year I can stay up for a bit, but its rare I see the 1 or 2 a.m. hours.
5-An athlete. But I can dance pretty good but forget my sports skills.
6-A coffee drinker. But I love coffee flavored ice cream and milk. Go figure?
7-Someone with neat handwriting. Not me.
8- A great speller. Thank goodness for computers and spell check.
9-Stagnant (yes, I took Collage Contessa's word here)- I love to learn new things, try new things, experiment, go places, have adventure (not I'm not as laid back as I come off so some thing scare me- especially if they're athletic, try new foods, see new things...
10- Good at math. I'm the only science person on the planet  sometimes think that isn't better at math than English. Give me words any day.

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