Friday, July 30, 2010

A Late Start

Its a gorgeous day!!! Cooler, and sleeping was so excellent that I slept in until almost 9 today. Of course I woke up early when Dave was getting ready for work and started reading my latest book.
I will admit this book has caught me right off (no 50 pages to get through before you get into the book), and I'm only reading it as its the book club book, whenever we are meeting, I want to have read it.I've only heard good things about this book. So my goal is  to get through it this weekend. Finished the Girl who Kicked the Hornet's Nest yesterday evening (it was a stop everything to finish the book) and it didn't disappoint.
Anyhow, then Harley I went walking this morning-its great to walk later when all the work traffic is gone but usually its so warm you can't walk so late, but today- just perfect!
So I made this card the other day with the new Impression Obsession stamp I bought. I love this stamp.
And then I made this card too.
So today, should I hang low or go out and enjoy the beautiful day? Deciding whether to go buy a skein of yarn to make a scarf or hang out. Hmmm. Tough decisions.

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