Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Low key Tuesday

And I LOVE It! Both the lowkey Tuesday and the cards I made above.
So this morning I made some more silver jewelry...when it dries later on this week I can do a big old firing. I'm playing with using gemstones and I LOVE what I made this morning. Much more depth than just the flat press pendants I've done.
Also am taking a break from the Girl who kicked the Hornet's Nest- though I am loving that book- saw the movie of the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo the other night and it was pretty disturbing seeing some of those scenes on film (veresus when you read them and can block them out if you want to). I've wanted to read this other book for awhile, and I wanted something a little lighter...so far, its fun. Interesting way its written in all letters, though I've read something else written like that at some point before.
Kind of like the quiet this morning with Katie at work...love that there's no TV on which she will do...but she'll be home soon and I'm going to chill this afternoon...its just a low key Tuesday as I said.

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