Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Beautiful Morning

Like the song says "Its a Beautiful Morning"! or the other song "Oh what a beautiful Morning, Oh what a beautiful Day". You pick- its not too hot right now, got a great walk going to take Katie breakfast up to the lake and may go pick some raspberries to make jam...or then again, maybe not. Love that there's a choice like that. Although yesterday I had my first how fast the summer is going reality check when I  realized there's only 1 more week of July. Not that its a big deal since I still how most of August off, but August flies more than July, and July get the picture.
And today's card, not that I am feeling blue but how can those silly jellyfish and that happy dolphin not make you smile at least a little bit? Have really been enjoying playing with my Kim Hughes stamps from CHF, in they're closing down I seem to have bought several...its the fact that I finally got into Copic Markers in the past few months, what was I thinking...they are fantastic markers. Opens up a whole door and the colors and shades...well, you get that picture too I'm sure.And these Kim Hughes stamps really let you color in the objects.
 Tomorrow I am planning on going to visit my mom, and today, well its pretty open which is what I need right now. I could use days open, but that doesn't happen and lets face it, after awhile I'd be bored.
So enjoy your beautiful day, because its that even if its not so beautiful weather-wise- finally REALLY got the gist of that saying that every day is a gift, not that I didn't get it but when you realize the whole impact of such a statement way down deep in your soul, it does change life. And not too sound like too much of a sugar coated smoozer, there are days that don't feel like gifts, I know. Wait until the end of August and I have to get back into my routine, that's really the problem with going back to school and me- I don't mind working but I love not having to work on such a routine schedule. Ok, I'm babbling.

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