Thursday, July 8, 2010

Still in a heat wave

Officially day 3 of a heat wave. I went out to set up my tent to air it out for next Monday's couple of days of camping, and I came in dripping wet. It didn't take me more than 15 minutes to set it up. Its just plain HUMID!! Today it makes me very lazy too!!!
Here's a tag I made yesterday when I was on a crafty binge. I spent the whole morning in the studio, did several scrap pages and made a few tags. It was fantastic!!! This is one I really like.

Here's another tag from yesterday too. The background might be a bit too busy, but I still like it.

So yesterday I met with some teacher friends for lunch to chat and plan our camping trip. Then I went from Chili's up to the lake to go swimming. Since I finished reading Breaking Dawn on Tuesday I needed something to read and this heat is just too much for me to get back into the Girl who kicked the hornet's nest so I started this book that I had sitting on my shelf. I just wanted something stimulating but not difficult to read or too detail oriented.  I like Micheal Crichton's books ok, but I'm not a diehard reader, but since I am chomping  at the bit to go away I though I needed a travel book to read before I get back into the mystery. I must say I am really enjoying reading this, even the med school part. Its an older book from the 1980's. I've managed to bite off a good 100 pages in no time at all. Just what I was looking for!
So this morning after I slept a bit late (too hot to walk), I went to the PO to mail some items I sold on eBay and then went up and sat at the boatramp on Merrymeeting with my daughter while she worked. Its such a beautiful lake, I love it there. Enjoyed watching the fog burn off and then of course the sun came out and the heat returned...thank goodness for air conditioning!!! Who knows what I'll do this with the rest of my day but as I said earlier, feeling LAZY from this heat.

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