Friday, July 9, 2010


And its slightly cooler this morning- SLIGHTLY! Got a walk in and think I might go out and do a bit of veggie garden weeding- its a mess in there. May go out shopping for a few little things we need, Katie needs to get lampshades for some lamps she took from an attic (sale) that she wants for college,  also have many bags of cleaned out clothes from all 3 of us that need to go to Goodwill or some other collection service. Yesterday was a home day but I got some little chores done and stayed cool so that's what important. Also, put a bunch of jewelry up on Etsy so check it out!
 So today I'll show you a tag I made the other day which I like, though maybe the background's a bit dark, but I love how the scallop shells look like painted wood. These stamps by Tattered Angels are great and as I've said before, I love how they're sooo big.

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