Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Bachelorette Bash

So yesterday afternoon I had a treat. A friend of mine from work-Jay-is getting married this Friday to this wonderful woman named Heidi. He threw her a bachelorette bash yesterday afternoon-starting with a limo picking us up and then taking us first to this winery/little vineyard near Kingston, New Hampshire.
These photos aren't so great as I took them with my phone, not expecting anything wild or beautiful. But after tasting like 20 different wines-(and we had champagne in the limo first-eeks-my head), we strolled the grounds which were gorgeous.
Great wrought iron fence for the upper terrace.
The gardens were beautiful.
And of course the vineyard itself. Played a tad bit of bocci-it was HOT and HUMID yesterday and bought some wine from the tasting...
And then we went off for pedicures or manicures (we all got pedicures). Never had one before but I enjoyed it-thought it would tickle me too much but it wasn't bad- and had sangria while getting my feet all dolled up.
My purse obstructed some of the view but here's all our pretty toes afterwards.
Last stop was back at the neighbor's house wehere we got to actually see Jay from work and meet a few other people. Fun part was I knew everyone except one lady (she was great tough) and we got to chat and laugh and yes, we drank a bit too much. As I said earlier in this post, it was a treat and a great day out. Glad I went!!! Its only the second wine tasting I've ever been to and the first at a real vineyard. Plus it was something totally not within the usual realm...and its so much fun to break out of the usual and let go for awhile. Playtime for adults. Got to do it! Life is too short not to.

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