Monday, August 9, 2010

Nature Monday- Knotty and Nobblely

Taking a break from the journal/scrap pages and showing you some  nature shots I've taken this summer. All of these are from my hike to the waterfall while camping back in July. (Back in July, makes it sounds so long ago, doesn't it?)
This morning I need to do some more picking up in my diningroom-kitchen looks great, diningroom still has a bit of arranging left to go- it was so nice yesterday we took off mid-afternoon for a trip to the lake-hated to waste an entire great day just being inside picking up...and then this afternoon I'm off to a bachelorette party-with the limo even...and today is Katie and Brian's first year dating anniversary and they're going to Maine (Freeport and Cabella's) for the day. But after today my week is basically free- yahoo- planning on poking around the house and spendning lots of studio time and then going party shopping Friday with my mother-in-law since next Sunday is the BIG graduation/off to college party for Katie. Actually looking forward to a quiet down week...almost wish I was home today since no one will be around. Oh well...will be a fun afternoon out and something very different to do.
Anyhow, I need to get started on my picking up...more I get done, the less I have to do later as logic would be.

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