Friday, August 13, 2010

Party Shopping

Today I'm off to go buy FOOD for the party. I'm going with my mother-in-law, which should be fun but should be interesting. She has her own ideas about what I should serve at a party. But it will give me company as we go to Nashua to hit Costco and Trader Joes. Need to come home and finish some pikcing up- made mosaics yesterday and need to wrap them up so I can put away all my beads, etc.
Some scrap pages. The top page and the water tower page is made with lots of stamps-on the traffic jam page I used a page stamp by Postmodern Design of a journal and also the compas. The wrods above the picture is from a Hero Arts travel set.The water tower/Sacremento page I stamped with a Tim Holtz background stamp and  a Judikins tree stamp. The are we there yet is cut off of a journal card stamp from Stampers Anonymous and Teresa Collins.
Anyhow- got to run to get out of here to meet Barbara at 8:30 so we can get our shopping done and get home on the road before the weekend/vacation and work traffic (this is what happens when you live in a big vacation area-Friday nights people come this way and Sunday nights people leave- you have to think about your driving times and places...)

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