Thursday, August 12, 2010

Thursday ALREADY!!!!

As usual, the week is flying. Sunday is the party (Kate's graduation/off to college). Two weeks from tomorrow Katie goes to college. Two weeks from Monday I go back to work. Still need to go in and straighten out my classroom-and the guilt is starting to get to me that I should go in and get it done. OR I can do it next week. This is what August does to you. You start to see the end of a lazy summer in sight. You start getting committments of when FALL starts- although the season doesn't start until September 20ish (around then)...for me it really starts when we go back to school. Or I should say when we start seeing school on the horizon.
On a summer note- Here's the days picking from my garden. Things are starting to ripen up. Hopefully next week I can make would be a great day but Dave's around cleaning up for the party and I should start doing the same. Or go into school and clean up my room--yes, the responsibility of being away for almost 2 months IS starting to get to me. So I remind myself I still have plenty of time next week and I would be better off doing some chores today so Saturday I'm not going NUTS!
Speaking of fall, you can't be reminded by all the new Halloween stamps coming out. Tim Holtz has some awesome ones as does Inkadinkado. Ordered a few from Simon Says Stamp today, not that I should have spent the money...and I want one of the Tim Holtz sets- need to remind myself I won't even start Halloween items (I love the holiday and have to make at least a few items) for a few more weeks. Today being cooler it feels more like September though.
Yesterday I started reading this book which is so FUNNY! I love it! The recipes sound delicious too. Makes me want to go back to Paris.
Speaking of trips, right now I am wheeling around 2 ideas. I want to go away in February/early March which is my school break week- even my birthday falls during it-which is a first for me in my entire 50 years of life. Just want to go someplace with NO snow. Don't mind cool or chilly, but no snows the rule. Makes the end of winter more bearable because February I look forward to the trip and then March seems shorter. 
Second plan-this one a bit more definate- my friend Ina from NC is going to rent a house on the outer banks for her 50th in June and we're going to go down for a few some other sight seeing. Think we should make a week of it. Just need to get a definate date from her and then watch for plane tickets or decide to drive or whatever! Love when I get into trip planning mode. 
OK, enough babbling for this morning. There are THINGS to do around here and I best be off.

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