Thursday, August 5, 2010

The week is flying by...

As usual when its a vacation week, its already Thursday.
Some more journal/scrapbook page from last summer's trip. Not in any particular order but all of these are from Burney Falls, which are not in any of these photos since I haven't quite finished scrapping those pictures yet. (yesterday's post has a picture of my daughter Katie at the base of the falls, well just a bit of them...)

But here's some from Lassen National Park, (we'll keep to the water theme though this is still water there-Summit Lake) which I have finished.
This one I used an old style bag for background paper. Trying to be clever I guess...Plenty more to show you another day.
So yesterday ended up hanging out at the lake in afternoon with Katie and my mother-in-law. The HUMIDITY is BACK-ugh. Did finish reading the Help (highly recommended by me and lots of other people) and now onto a book I have been wanting to read for a bit: Grave Goods.
I have enjoyed this series a lot, its a mysetry series set in the 1000's (or is it 1100-I think this) with King Henry of England and the Sicilian woman doctor plus a bunch of other characters. This is book 3 in the Mistress of the Art of Death series.
So today Dave is staying home to work on the floor- I was going to to set up my classroom but its too hot and humid, plus I have tons of errands to run...and I'm meeting an old friend Janice for lunch at noon. I still have plenty of time to do my room and will wait until a cooler day to go in...third floor, windows been closed for weeks, no AC being run up in an empty time next week to do that. No sense sweating and getting overheated when we don't even have our set up day until the 30th of the month. I just like to go in and get some stuff done when no one's really around...this year I have stayed away purposefully since school's been out and I do feel so much more rested and in a way, ready to go back. (But not for all the hassels that seem to come up-but all jobs have something icky about them, don't they?)

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