Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Scrapping Wednesday

Been working all summer on photos from our trip LAST summer to California and Oregon. Here's the title page for this first binder.
My scrapbooks tends to be HUGE since I feel I have to scrap so many pictures...I also like to emphasize the photos, not the backgrounds, but I want to make the backgrounds work with the subject. I like to make lots of my photos BIG too! To move a bit quickly, I actually have been using quite a few stickers in this book, like the Martha Stewart signs in the title page and the Basic Grey stickers on the Mount Lassen page, or the felt trees above.
So humidity is back, ACs are on, and we're thinking about going to the lake this afternoon to swim and RELAX. I spent a good chunk of my morning bringing Katie breakfast at the boat ramp where she works, and then I came home and scrapped some more. I SHOULD stay home and do some more picking up- this house is a major MESS! But its too nice and summer is too short to stay in and just clean.
That's my philosophy for the day!

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