Friday, September 17, 2010

10 things right now

Did this last year on September 24th, and its interesting to see the difference a year can make, or the similarities too. Here the 10 things about me right now, on a Friday night when I'm tired.

1- I REALLY need to take a road trip, go someplace, play with my camera. I want a BIG trip but don't want to spent the cash for a big trip...but I want some short day trips or weekend trips. Or go take a walk on the beach...
2-I'm still into cooking and trying some new things.
3- I'm ready to put the boat away and end boating season.
4-I haven't been much into reading lately but want to be reading more.
5-I miss Katie at school but think I'm doing not bad/ok on the missing her end. I have seen her quite a bit so I shouldn't complain.
6-I'm in card making marathon mode...making lots lately, and also in a scrapping mode, but not feeling very creative in doing sewing or things wildly different...but that will change...
7-I'm enjoying work BUT really don't want to put up with all the administrative BS anymore and I have days when I desperately just want to spent the day in my studio playing. Or getting outside for a walk...I do feel cooped up inside at work.
8-Feeling broke because I'm doing catch-up from summer money- (I've only had 1 check since I've returned back to work and we get paid the last day of school, but NOT during the summer)
9-Enjoying spending time with Dave as a couple...
10-I feeling less stressed in some ways...I must say sometimes Katie would stress me out because she'd be stressed and get demanding...not that I want her gone...but in some ways I get home and have time for me...its weird in a way...a bit too quiet...but in another way its freeing. I can come and go and not have to check in with her or feel like I need to rush home...except for my canine and feline babies.

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