Saturday, September 18, 2010

Simplify--My mantra for the day. Its been a down and relaxing day, though I felt like I should have done something more exciting...Dave was beat and he's got to travel a lot next week so he didn't feel like going any place much today. I do understand that. I did a bit of cleaning, made a few cards, took a great nap with Leo, dragged Dave out for a great walk this morning...the sun managed to disappear today which I didn't expect, and Katie's coming by for dinner which I didn't expect either. But I'm glad I get to see her tonight and glad I'm getting some recharge time.
So I won this rooster stamp on eBay a while back...its a Stampington stamp and I like it. The words and checkerboard are CHF and the swirl is Crafty Secrets. I punched the chicks with a Martha Stewart spring punch-love when you can use a punch for something other than its intended season.

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