Thursday, September 16, 2010

Long Day Ahead

You can see I've been doing lots of pairs of cards, never identical but similar. I love these 2 cards...really glad I bought lots of the Kim Hughes stamps when CHF went out of business because they're so much fun and pretty versitile.
So its a long day for me, then I'm going to visit Katie a bit and then I'm going back to work for open house tonight. Glad we're getting that done early this fall...its a kind of stressful evening- not when it happens but the getting to it...mainly because going back to work and being "on" again at 6:30 is tough and then I get home really late and its time to get up in the morning again tomorrow before you know it. Oh well, will get through it.
I am also have travel withdrawels...I really want to go away someplace...a day trip...a change of scenery...I haven't had much of photos to show you lately because this is what happens when I go to work...I kind of run out of time and get lost in work. Especially when school starts up in the fall. I think I need to make an effort to go out and take photos on my way home...I think a I need to plan a day's driving road trip. I NEED it right now...not that I haven't been busy at all-with work-some very creative studio time (that has increased as I come home to the critters but no Katie as she's off to college) and I've been busy on the weekends.  But the cool fall winds are a blowing and the days are getting noticably shorter...seems by a lot...and I want to do something different-missing the time to come and go like I get to all summer.
Have a great day!

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