Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Is it only Wednesday

It feels like Friday morning...just need to wake up...feel like I'm catching a cold too...UGH! Kids are coming in late today so I don't need to rush quite as much as usual.
So you can tell by my cards lately that FALL is in the air...we've been comfy this week-only about 70 degrees during the day, and once the sun goes away...its chilly. Love it though. These temps. are my favorite. My cards today are slight variations of each other...not sure which I prefer. All stamps are Hero Arts except the saying which is from Gel-a-tins. I love the little apple stamps by Hero Arts, especially the polka dot apple.
Here's my latest read that I started last night...I've been in a Peter Mayle mood lately, maybe because he's such an easy read and his books always take me away to France...and being back to work I feel rather tied to my area. His books do remind me of an older time though- back in the 80's and 90's when being wealthy and having the best was all the status...but its fun to dream a bit.

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