Friday, September 10, 2010

Trying this out

I am trying out this pre-scheduling a post thing- Writing this Thursday night and seeing if it shows up Friday morning.
Here's one of those stretching the creative edge cards I made the other day. Although its a good card, it may not be the a great card...but I like how it pushed me to combine things I would never think to the too big (for this card but who cares) saying (Cats Life Press) with the 2 people (Rubber Stamp of America-Ken Brown) and the trees-(Stampscapes) and also the clouds (also Stampscapes) and the Balloom (PSX).
So if this works...then its Friday -PAYDAY-finally!!!!!!!!!!! I need to pick up Katie after school and bring her home. I'm meeting my friend Vicky for lunch Saturday. I can sleep in for 2 days starting tomorrow. I am glad its the weekend although so far its not been a terrible week.

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