Saturday, September 11, 2010

Its a beautiful day

And its Saturday!!!!!!!!! Feels so nice to WASTE time sitting on the couch with a cup of tea, looking at rubber stamps on eBay...checking out some of my fav. web sites. LOVE IT!

So today's cards are a few of those pushing the boundary cards I made the other day. The chicken one has an Alice In Wonderland stamp that says (in general words) I wish things would make sense around here. Chickens and background are CHf and words are from the newer Twetty Jill Alice in Wonderland words set. And I love this woman one above with the spiders-she is a Ken brown stamp-spiders are studio 490 and background is CHF, not sure who did the saying but I was having fun that day.
So I ordered this cookbook which arrived yesterday from Amazon and though I have yet to cook from it, it looks FANTASTIC. Its HUGE, and there's tons of things I want to try-first of all some roast chicken recipes. You can tell its gotten cooler and my brain and body are craving warm fall foods-I must admit my favorite foods. I'm going to make a squash or pumpkin lasagna (made it for the first time last year-YUM) and some potted stews...making me hungry just writing this. I am going out to lunch today with a girlfriend to our local (just about only place here in town) restaurant and they're a big fried fish place- hopefully they'll have clams or oysters-YUM...Katie came home last night for a night since we're going up later to visit our San Francisco friends who are visiting at my it'll be a fun but BUSY day...doubt they'll be any studio time but that's my plans for tomorrow!

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