Monday, October 18, 2010

another week begins

And I'm finally feeling like I'm over the infection hump-at least how I feel, though my tooth is still not perfect, but I'm not in pain and I am perkier. FINALLY!!! YEAH!!!!
This weekend I worked a bit on my altered book and made a couple of cards, but mostly I chilled. I wanted to get over the infection hump...not wear myself out...but being in the studio does help. Just still need to take some here's a card I made a few weeks ago. The pig is a bit too pink, but otherwise I love this card. Stamp is Rubber Stamps of America, mounted on paper and trimmed with flower trim. The background is Impression Obession and I'm not sure whose stamp the words are. But a fun Monday morning card...that's where we all want to be, isn't it? (At 5 a.m., Yessiree!)

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