Saturday, October 16, 2010

Halloween is in 2 Weeks

As I was going on about yesterday- time is flying. Its only 2 weeks until the hubby turns 50, Katie turns 19 and its Halloween. Hopefully in 2 weeks my tooth/ear will feel better and this abcess will be behind me!
So since the sun is BACK out but the wind is a blowing- and it feels COLD for the first time this season, I'll show you one of the few Halloween cards I've made...with everything going on my studio time has been less and when I'm up in my corner working I have been concentrating on my Halloween altered book, need to photograph and show you the updates.
Anyhow, the skeleton and big bat are new Tim Holtz stamps (wasn't sure I needed that set but I have used it a lot!) The All Hallow's even stamp is Inkadinkado, the skeleton circle is Red Lead Paperworks, the top word circle is 2 different stamps-Hampton Art stamps and inner boo is from Basic Grey. And lastly, the groups of bats is I believe from Cherry Pie...but not positive. The orange ripped tape is from Anna Griffin, the black tape is from Martha Stewart (as is the punched part of the spider webs at the very bottoms) and I used a dark color Ranger dimensional pearl for te black dots. Oh yes, background is stamped with Studio 490 and then the whole background is distressed. Wow- took a lot to make this card.
Have a fantastic Saturday-time to get my show on the road!

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