Friday, October 15, 2010

Half way through October

So its a very RAINY Friday, my tooth is still NOT PERFECT and its my ANNIVERSARY today- Dave and I got married 22 years ago. WOW! Katie's home for the day on a mid-semester day off-mid-semester-already, WOW! Where is time flying to? Not that anyone has asked that before. With this rain and wind I'm sure LOTS of leaves will come I'm not expecting the same amount of color after this as we've been having outside. I am beat too, not sure if its the rain, my tooth/ear/face pain or the fact that its just that time of year when I'm going into hibernation mode.
So here's (second photo) a NOT SO FABULOUS photo of me and the hubby out hiking in IRELAND a few years back...but since its our special day...22 years special...and we're still together and still going strong- it is a BIG day for us. I think the view on this photo is more spectacular than how we look though.
Now the top photo which I just added I like even better, we look much more like we're having FUN. This one is from 2005 when we went to ROME, we're at the Colliseum. Got to LOVE it though!
So here's my TOAST- to MARRIAGE, LOVE, NICE GUYS AND COMMITTMENT!!!!! Love you big guy, I hope for VERY MANY more years together and that they're as great as the last 22 have been!

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