Sunday, October 10, 2010

Its 10-10-10

One of those days where you can't write this address for another hundred years...and I won't be around for that. But that's pretty morbid-now I sound like my grandmother used to and my mother too for that matter-I don't like being that negative-but seeing its already tough as my tooth is still sore...OUCHEY! Not how I wanted to spend my long weekend! On the good side, I do have some time my tooth hurts I'll be at the dentist ASAP!
So here's a couple of quick cards I made last week-I like the vampire one the best- sent it to Katie and signed it from Erik-of True Blood those books and the show too. The witch card at the top could use a couple of improvements-first of all the trim tape should go under the words, and the witch's brew should not have been worded it black on black. What was I thinking? But I do really like the tag on that book-might make on for my Halloween book.
Anyhow, witch card is Crafty Secrets stamps and the bottle is Paper Relics. I punched the oval for the tage and the oval stamp is 7Gypsies. The Vampire card is a lot of Martha Stewart's fall Vampire set, Crafty Secrets word, the bottle is once again Paper Relics and the labels on both cards bottles are from a new Inkadinkado set with Halloween labels.
So yesterday I chilled out...worked on the Halloween book, started reading a totally different book-HOME, by Bill Bryson which arrived from Amazzon yesterday, made American chop suey as its soft on my teeth and Dave and I watched Robin Hood last night- which I enjoyed. Liked how it was before the years of him being the villian...wonder how much of the Robin Hood tale is truth and how much is embellished?
Today, and waiting to see how I end up feeling whether I'll go out with Katie for awhile...right now my
TOOTH IS SORE...ouchey!

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