Saturday, October 9, 2010

Tooth Ache

So it turned out to be an abcessed tooth-OUCH- and last night it was the now I'm on painkillers and won't be much of a day probably...though at least less of my face hurts than yesterday and hopefully by lunch time the antibiotics will have kicked in more things will start to feel better...I HOPE!
So yesterday I ended up coming home after the endodontist rather than going to teacher workday...needed to get on my antibiotics ASAP, never mind some painkillers. It was gorgeous day too, no clouds in a clear blue sky, so I went and sat outside and puttered a bit...wasn't feeling great so I didn't do much, but took some photos of the last of the veggie garden. Took some great bird shots too but will save those for another day.
So since its garden wrap up photos, here's a great fall card I made awhile back...Impression Obsession stamp and the saying is Rubber Soul.
So today the sky is very blue but its windy and supposedly much cooler...Katie's due home...I'm hoping just to be feeling good enough to go into the studio and start my next book.
Have a great day!

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