Thursday, October 7, 2010

Under Construction

These pages aren't finished yet-nor is the rest of the altered book, but thought I'd give you a sneak peak of my current Halloween project . More to come when I actually FINISH this project!!!!!
Last night I didn't hit the studio at all, had a frustrating afternoon so went to Barnes and Nobles and got a couple of books (the Maine Cookbook and a sock knitting book) so I spent my evening on the couch looking through those books, finishing my latest read and watching Ghost Hunters on the SciFi channel. Plus it was POURING so I put on pjs at five when I got home and let the weather dictate my ambition. It was great too, and now its already Thursday. This week is buzzing right by-no kids tomorrow-YEAH- though sitting through meetings all day isn't so exciting.
Here's the knitting book I picked up... its got some great socks if you're into covering your feet with interesting fashion.
Lets hope its a great day!!!

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