Friday, October 8, 2010

My Tooth is Killing Me!

I know, what a title! But I've had some jaw pain and they've decided I needed a root canal-so yesterday I saw the endodontist, and he put in my temporary filling, and now I have some swelling and PAIN!! URG!!! Worse than before I saw him!
So I need to call him back I guess...luckily no kids today-its a teacher workday...and I'm not expecting it to be all that worthwhile a day based on what they've told us we're doing.
So we'll make this a little of this and that type of post. Here's my latest read- I haven't been reading much at all lately...finally finished my last book which shouldn't have taken weeks but when you aren't into reading much...this book is short and reads quickly, and its different. So far I'm enjoying it-hopefully I can get through it this weekend.
So here's some more journal pages...these are of the Lower Klamath Lake water basin area...there was a bird sanctuary here and I saw tons of birds just in our short drive through and few little stops...and its beautiful. We passed through here on our way to Lava Beds (put up photos of that the other day). I tried to make the feel of these pages very natural...nature oriented of course. I especially like the "secret garden" page and the top butterfly page (the blue butterflies). Lots of the stamps I used are from Paper Artsy, the blue bubblely background is from Impression Obsession and the burlap right above this is from CHF. Blue butterflies are stamped with the Spanish script stamp by CHF-they're Tim Holtz grungepaper painted. The little butterflies just above this are from a set of emphemera I bought last winter at Michael's but I can't remember who made them, maybe EK Success, maybe not.
Oh well, got to run! Hopefully we'll get my pain taken care of today!!!

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