Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Still Bitter Cold

Bitter, ice cold, freezing, super chilly...you pick the word...its just plain REALLY COLD, again. To make us all feel warm and cheery, again...here's some more cards.
Here's a card using Artistic Outpost's Wizard of Oz set...love this set. I think this morning it should say if I only had a coat, or a plane ticket to someplace tropical and warm...like maybe Tahiti or Bali.
And here's some more of my book celebrating America that I showed you some of in the last couple of weeks. This is using some more of Artistic Outpost stamps-Heroes and She-roes. Here's a link to check out their web-site-and according to their newsletter-new stamps should be here any day! I can't wait to see them.
I made this 2 page spread to look like an old photo album...not so much a fancy or highly decorated art page. Thought that might give a bit more of true life feel for these pages. I think part of our American heritage is keeping photo albums or old scrapbooks. Its how so many of us learn about our past, by looking back at these albums.  I know there's some in my family...with all those aunt and uncle photos from the WWII and the 1940's or 1950's. I always thought they looked so gorgeous dressed in their classy outfits from those decades.
Anyhow- stay warm...or comfy or cool or whatever you day brings you...

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful projects using Artistic Outpost images! Love the 2 page spread using the Heros and She-roes plates!


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