Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Vintage Hero Arts

So just a quick couple of perky colored cards today...I bought the new set of Hero Arts Vintage items- here's 2- the typewriter which I turned into a fun Valentine's card and then the bottom  card where I used the fan. For some reason the fan cards photo didn't photograph without the glare line...must be all those Stickles I used.
Anyhow, to make the typewriter card I wrote in a little note on the keys of the typewriter and used a CHF set for the tops words. The hearts all come from an older Memory box clear set that I just love for Valentine's Day and I used some 7Gypsies tape. For the fan card I used the same Basic Grey paper as the top card, added some crepe ribbon that I bought eons ago and have no idea who made it. I also added some brown ribbon, green and yellow Stickles, and stamped some typewriter letters for the saying. I wanted to make it look like there was a nice cool air coming out of the fan, not completely sure what I did worked in a way I love, but  it is still  not a bad card. It looks much better than the photo shows.
Anyhow...on our weather front here in New England...more snow coming tonight but sounds like we won't miss school tomorrow-maybe a delay...that's good except it means having to shovel before work in the a.m. which makes the morning a bit crazy...but lets see what happens...take it as it comes...all you can really do...but at least today I should make it to work in a normal amount of time...roads were horrible yesterday and it took me just about 2 hours to get there...the weather these past 3 weeks has been so challenging...and not just here from what I keep hearing on the news ...ah winter...

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