Thursday, February 17, 2011

Getting Restless

That's what I wonder?
So the  late winter restlessness is setting in. I want to get in my car and drive someplace where there is NO snow and the weather is warm and spring like...just counting the days until our trip...and it doesn't help my back still isn't perfect and I want it to feel good so I can get some things done around here. I want to get outside and get some sun... Last night I got home fairly early, decided to read a bit , fell asleep and napped until 6:30...never made it into the studio which is my escape. I did enjoy spending some time with some extra heat on my back...but...I  love getting some daily studio time- especially on a day when the routine just seems to swallow you up. So nevertheless, I'm feeling restless.
(Hopefully today will make me perky though-they say its going to be around 40 degrees...spring-ish and snow will melt...maybe by this evening I won't fel so restless...won't want green so badly...won't be  so desperately dreaming of spring)
Anyhow, I think I mentioned that Tuesday my dog got under my studio table in a noise panic (he has noise phobia) and ripped the rug and knocked over a bin I had some things in. The bad part was cleaning it up but in that process I came across this sheet of Peanuts stickers I'd bought quite awhile back and forgot I had. My daughter and I are both big Peanuts fans-especially to love him... and so I decided to use these stickers to make some cards to send to her at college. I don't really use stickers a lot on cards, at least not big stickers that form the centerpiece of the cared, but it was an interesting artistic endeavor.
So to make this particular card I made a white cardtsock card and then distressed the front with some Memories Mango ink. Then I took a piece of 7Gypsies Lille paper and ripped off a corner to fit the card. I stamped the hearts (Stampotique) and colored them. I also stamped the Uh oh... stamp (not sure off the top of my head who made it but its great) several times. Then I attached one of the stickers from the Peanuts sheet and added some Red Pepper Dimensional Pearls and also a paper clip...that was it-pretty easy and I like it.

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